
Starting from 01.02.2010, there will be a weekly post of War Kings Comic script. Stay tuned. :)


Sunday, June 6, 2010

War Kings - Sun Tzu Art of War Chp 1 - The Assessments 始计篇 (1/4)

《孙子兵法》also commonly known as 《孙子十三篇》is a phenomenal academic writing of mastery on military studies.Within a short thirteen chapters, Sun manages to pen down all the preparations needed in every stage of a battle; from the pre-battle preparations to the precautions one must be wary of amidst battle, Sun have it all in.

Not only is this academic writing highly regarded by military men, but it has also been tailored to fit into the world of business management, making it the ever critical reference for all alike.

Chp 1: The Assessments (始计篇) Chp 2: On Waging War (作战篇) Chp 3: Strategizing the Attack (谋攻篇) Chp 4: Strategic Dispositions(军形篇) Chp 5: Strategic Conditions (兵势篇) Chp 6: The Weak and the Strong (虚实篇) Chp 7: Contending Army (军争篇) Chp 8: Nine Transformations (九变篇) Chp 9: Deploying the Army (行军篇) Chp 10: Terrain (地形篇) Chp 11: The Nine Terrains (九地篇) Chp 12: The Fire Attack (火攻篇) Chp 13: Using Spies (用间篇)

Each of the thirteen chapters intakes on a different emphasis and starting from this week we will introduce to you the gist of each chapter.

第一:始计篇 The Assessments

Artist Chen Zhiyin

Over the next 3 posts, we'll elaborate on 3 main points in Chapter 1 - The Assessment 始计篇

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