
Starting from 01.02.2010, there will be a weekly post of War Kings Comic script. Stay tuned. :)


Sunday, August 15, 2010

War Kings - Sun Tzu Art of War Chp 2 - On Waging War 作战篇

This chapter focuses on the situations to be wary of when out to war. For example, war is economically consuming, to be out to war for too long a time damages one’s home country’s economy. Sun Tzu believe that one must first know the damages of war before one could really decide if the war could indeed help better one’s country.
- Sun Tzu believes that scarcity problem could be solved by laying hands on the enemy’s。

- After each battle won, battle vehicles uncovered could be converted for one’s use. Furthermore, prisoners of war captured could be generously treated so as to coax them into submitting to the new sovereignty. This would ultimately weaken the overall abilities of one’s enemy while strengthening one’s own military strength.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

War Kings - Sun Tzu Art of War Chp 1 - The Assessments 始计篇 (4/4)

Sun Tzu believes that when attacking one’s enemy, one must attack them when they are unprepared so as to be able secure victory.

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